
Thursday, December 19, 2013


Hello friends!

If you can believe it, I have less than a month until I pack up my life and move myself down to Florida!

It's crazy to me just how fast the time has flown by since I applied for the program (and even since before apps!).  It still feels like I was just counting down the months until applications were released!
However, the time has come! There are 25 days until my check-in date (January 13th!) and only 23 days until I leave for Florida with my boyfriend!

I'm officially moving out of my dorm in Boston today (sad face) but I'm extremely excited about the journey ahead!  The next few weeks are going to be spent with family and friends, and before I know it, the day will be here!  I'm still somewhat in disbelief that I actually get to live out my biggest dream of working in Walt Disney World, and honestly, it's probably not going to start sinking in until I start packing (late, probably).

I can't wait to share all of my experience with you all!
Have a magical day everyone!!

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